Friday, April 29, 2011


I've been laying low the last couple of weeks, getting caught up at work after being out of town, trying to get myself back on Seattle time (getting up at 6am in Hawaii is 9am in Seattle) and I admit, eating too many nuts. I got back to Crossfit this week and feel SO weak after being gone almost two weeks. The first day back we did 2000m row. I didn't break any records (our trainer said if you haven't done it before, just "survive it". I could have pushed harder but now I know).

Yesterday I swear the warm up was worse than the workout: run 400m (I'm getting better-- I can run it now without stopping, though my lungs still HATE it), then 3 rounds of 15 pushups and 15 medicine ball squat jerks (I think) and then another 400m run. I could not believe how quickly I lost my push-up strength! Two weeks ago I could have done this much more easily. This activity was in partners and my buddy was a guy who told me he's already lost 40 pounds doing crossfit. Afterwards I wished I had asked him if he changed his diet too. He was helpful, encouraging me to get all the way through that second 400m without stopping, even though I wanted to.

Our regular workout was 5x5 banded deadlifts. Except my form on deadlifts has never been awesome and I was out of practice, so I ended up doing the regular kind (banded deadlifts are where you attach the barbell to the ground with giant rubber bands which gives much more resistance at the top. If I had kept with those I definitely would have hurt my back). I did five sets with pretty low weight-- I could have probably done more weight, especially given that this morning only my quads are sore from the warm up-- no soreness from the deadlifts! But my left knee was kind of hurting and my right hip is chronically tight (I'm working on that) so I'm always scared of getting hurt deadlifting. I also was feeling slightly nauseated because I ate too close to class, and a little dizzy, probably because I think my new contact lenses are too strong, (excuses, excuses) so it probably wasn't the best workout ever, but I don't mind easing back in. I started going to class earlier than the one I used to go to and there were a lot of women there who were all so nice to me! I wish I was better at remembering names, but I felt very welcome, which is what I love about my gym!

I'm working on a post for my plan for May: a new month long experiment to fine tune this paleo-liciousness in my life.

Oh! And I am going to see Robb Wolf LIVE! I am so excited! Mr. Wolf himself is doing a seminar in Vancouver, BC on July 9th, which is a mere 3 hour drive and a border crossing away. I can hardly wait. I will of course give a full accounting here after the fact.

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