Friday, August 28, 2009

Weird Symptoms

About a month ago I had several days of dizzy spells and weird headaches. I thought this was due to something I was eating or allergies. Yesterday it came back with a vengeance-- I was racking my brain trying to figure out what I could have eaten (because I'm a nutritionist so of course everything is caused by food in my mind) to have caused this. I had a couple meals out this week and it started not long after having lunch out with friends, but I had chicken salad with raspberry vinagrette, and I didn't have any food allergy symptoms so that seemed unlikely. Finally it clicked-- one month ago I had the first of the Hepatitis B vaccine series, and on Tuesday I had the second dose-- the symptoms are most likely related to the vaccine, especially given my wild over sensitivity to everything. I felt so bad yesterday that I ended up having to miss a friend's bridal shower last night.

Yesterday in trying to figure out what was wrong with me I tested my blood glucose (I have a monitor and a few test strips I got for free at the ADA conference). After eating it was 103, which is completely fine, though a little higher than I like to see. (More on this in a minute). The last couple days I've also had very little appetite- yesterday I had a smoothie for breakfast and a kombucha and about 4 almonds at lunch time and didn't feel like eating again until dinner (which was gluten-free spaghetti with chicken sausage and kale) and a sorbet bar.

This morning I got up around 8:30 and was curious about my fasting blood sugar so I tested again before eating. It took a couple tries (it took so long for me to prick my finger that the tester timed out) but when I finally got a reading it was 113!! Fasting blood glucose between 100-124 is pre-diabetes. I had this test done properly in a lab last November and it was upper 90s I remember. It could be just a fluke-- I will test again tomorrow, and it could be another side effect of my body trying to get rid of the yucky vaccine, but it also serves as a warning that I need to get myself back into a regular exercise routine and eat protein at every meal like a good girl.


Adair said...

Hey Sabrina :)

Before you worry too much, I wanted to remind you of the Somogyi Effect (high morning blood sugars after experiencing hypoglycemia while sleeping)

You are a healthy, young woman. I am sure your body is just responding to all the Hep B antigens floating around you system. It is disconcerning when you feel symptoms of dizziness and such. Keep trusting that, eventually, your body will return to a normal homeostasis.

Misha Henshaw said...

Hey Sabrina
Sorry to hear you are reacting to vaccines. Hep B is a doozy I think. I kept thinking I had the flu - then an issue was found by my doctor and that REALLY sent me into a tither. Feeling a little ill can drive up a blood sugar like nobody's business. I think the 113 reading is confirming that your body is reacting as planned to the vaccine and working hard to develop your immunity. Respect all that hard work and be gentle with yourself for a few days. Take good care.