Monday, January 7, 2013

21 Day Detox: 7 days in

I am a week into the 21 day sugar detox and things are going well.  I have not had any sweetener or grains at all, or really even any impulse to do so, in spite of a lot of stress, very little sleep and PMS.  First I had a bad cold, and then Max got it.  He was pretty sick last week, and thus having a lot of difficulty sleeping. Then my parents came for a week, which was great, but also busy.  I think actually having the distraction of guests helped keep me on track. 

I suspect I need to eat a lot more carbs.  I am not terribly hungry most of the time, though a couple times I haven't had a substantial lunch and then I'm starving.  But I feel like I am dragging a bit in a familiar, not enough carbs sort of way.  The 21DSD recommends starting with a 1/2 cup of starchy veggies per meal for breastfeeding moms and increasing from there-- I think I have had that two out of three meals most days, due more to convenience then specific carb avoidance.  I went to the gym for the first time in at least a month today and though I took it easy I did not have a lot of energy.  More sweet potatoes for me (Max and I already eat 3+ a day between us so I feel like I am constantly baking sweet potatoes/yams). 

Most frustrating was I made a giant pot of chili yesterday and even though I decreased the chili powder significantly it is still too spicy for me (I REALLY do not like spicy food). I was planning on eating that for lunch for several days and freezing some but now it's almost all going to be for Marc since I can hardly stand to eat it and don't dare give it to Max.

I haven't started trying to get off coffee yet, which is my next goal.  Maybe after the 21 days-- one thing at at time.

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