Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 6: Sunny Day

I woke up feeling really tired and weak this morning. Not sure if that's because of the time of the month, because dinner was at 6pm last night and I got up at 9am, or because I finally hit a carb wall or what but when I got out of bed this morning I got a few steps and had to sit down on the ground for a minute-- it was kind of weird.

Breakfast today was scrambled eggs cooked in coconut oil and mixed with veggies and a couple bites of steak left over from dinner last night, with Muir Glen Organic salsa, and of course avocado. (M., who is on board with eating no sugar, but still eating other carbs, had a piece of toast with sunflower seed butter as well).

Lunch: 2 Trader Joes chicken sausages, summer squash/zucchini/broccoli blend (steamed) a few broiled onions, ever-present avocado and green tea.

Dinner: will be Tilapia filets and maybe some sauteed greens with olives.

As I mentioned Crossfit for now is only Mon-Thurs but we had a spectacularly beautiful day, and I took advantage of it to do some walk/running on my favorite trail nearby for around 30 minutes. It was really nice to be outside, but my legs felt tired and it was too soon after lunch, resulting in a side cramp. As much as I dislike it, I need to keep doing that to build up some endurance because right now I have NONE.

The last couple days my back (lats?) were super sore, but I also had kind of a nerve pain down one shoulder blade I've had a couple times in the last few weeks which seems to crop up at bedtime making it hard to sleep. Maybe some time on the foam roller will help.

The chickens, at least are enjoying the sunny day to it's fullest:

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